Very simple tutorial on how to make your signatures appear to be 3d or pop out on the screen instead of being a flat image.
Step 1:
Take if you use regular sig sizes like 400x130 then open up a canvas of about 500x300. Copy your sig and put it on a new layer. Delete the background layer.
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Step 2:
Duplicate the layer then layer it to the image size(lower layer).
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Step 3:
Move the layer a bit down and to the right. Do an alpha to selection on the layer and color it black(lower layer).
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Step 4:
Do a gaussian blur on the lower layer at about 29. Move it around til it looks about right for you.
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OptionalSince most sites have a signature size limit you don't want to have a 500x300 canvas for just a 400x130 sig. So this is what you gotta do to resize it.
Step 1: Merge all your visible layers together.
Step 2: Do an alpha to selection.
Image=>Crop to Selection
Original Product:
Final Product:
****NOTE**** You can play around your darkness levels for the back layer for different backgrounds of sites. If you noticed this site didn't have a very good background for what I did so I might have made the lower layer a bit darker and smaller. I could also have lowered the blur level and moved it a bit closer over the sig. If you want more examples PM me.