Prepare for a LOT of info.
Nintendo is developing a new handheld system know as the 3ds, with 3D technology without the need for glasses. It has motion controls and can process things the wii can't. It will be getting 40+ games on lauch including: OoT remake, star fox 64 remake, new paper mario, new kingdom hearts, new final fantasy, new kid icarus, martha stewert, mario kart, a donkey kong game, and many more. It will be coming out worldwide next spring.
Sony announced the move, you can read about it in it's topic.
There will be portal 2, infamous 2, force unleashed 2, and many more 2s.
The wii is getting kirby epic yarn, zelda skyward sword, mario sports mix, donkey kong country returns, goldeneye, and many more.
For all the rest of your E3 coverage go to