Can't believe no one made this topic. Anyway, which is better as a gaming device? iPod Touch vs. Nintendo DS vs. PSP
The iTouch has some 20,000+ games with 90% of them being shovelware. They aren't as good as Apple says, and they keep my attention for only 5-10 minutes. Graphics are nice, but I haven't seen any apps take full advantage of them; for instance, I have not seen one cutscene where the characters' mouths move at all...
PSP has a bunch of really cool games with epic graphics. My only complaint is that there aren't enough of awesome titles, but the gems are sure worth buying. Might wait for the PSP2 next Holiday--not the phone.
DS has a ton of great titles, but the graphics aren't nearly as good as iTouch or PSP. Definitely waiting for the 3DS; I expect Golden Sun, Dragon Quest IX, OoT, and possibly Kid Icarus to be a few of my greatest collections.