-Moderators do not post in this1. Do not flame anybody.
We don't need people to start insulting everyone and making trouble. If you do flame you will receive one warning, after that you may become banned.
2. Do not spam.
Don't go post, post, post, post on every thread to get your post count up, it's not worth it if you become banned for it.
3. Swearing limit.
We are lenient on swearing, just don't go making every post have four F-bombs.
Allowed Example.- Spoiler:
He started a whole bunch of shit yesterday.
Not Allowed Example- Spoiler:
Fucking mother fucker you god damn ***** get the hell out fucking ass bag.
4. No Warez.
You are not allowed to share illegal content, such as program torrents.
5. No Offensive Content.
Do not post any porn, racism, sexism, or graphic violence.
6. No Drama
Any drama will be ignored and dealt with by a ban. We don't need issues here.
7. No Advertisements
Any advertisements found will be dealt with by a 1 month ban.
8. All text in the chat must be NORMAL. This means no colors, strikethoughs, bolds, ect.
There is a full list of chatbox rules that you can find on the bottom of the homepage.
9. Listen to the staff.
If the staff tells you something, LISTEN! Failing to cooperate with a staff member could result in a ban. When we say staff, we mean an Administrator or a Moderator.
10. Don't push your way around the rules.
If you know what a rule means then don't try to get your way by "defining" what you do differently. You know what we want and don't want here, and if you don't, we'd be more than happy to enlighten you on it.