You might need to use "Ctrl -" for the page on this game. I DID NOT MAKE THIS GAME. anyways read this, I made this log up. It has to do with the robots.
day1: First Drop
We made our way down to the ground. I could not believe my eyes when a few of us died. Not even on the ground and already some of us died. The man who attacked us had camoflage on. He had a helmet that covered his whole face. He had some kind of sniper rifle. I guess he's an expert sharpshooter. Well I'll come back to write when I'm ready. Besides, I need to get some rest and some recharging for the next day.
day2: Reinforcements
Damn! finally some people had come to save me. And they landed some seeking bombs. 2 of them that seek out a target in the area. Unfortunately the reinforcements died in the process of fighting. I can't believe that man used the bombs against them. This time he used a Spas 12 or some kind of shotgun against them. Well, I might as well get some rest, it's been a rough day trying to survive and be hidden.
day3: Recording Tape Found
I managed to find this tape. I played it, and it wasn't good at all. It played and it was a man named "Rocky". He talked about a rogue robot, something that had to do with the Mjolnir armor. Maybe something like a replica or attempt. Rocky said "We have been testing all types of armor today, we are trying to make a stronger armor much stronger than the Mjolnir armor. We are currently on an island with a combat robot. He seems to do well with guns. Wait are those... WHAT THE HELL!? Oh god I gotta' get off this island. WAIT! Don't shoot don't shoot! *plasma shots* HUUUAgghhhhh. Oh god, I'm incapacitated. HELP ME! SOMEONE! *gets grabbed and thrown in the ocean.* AAHHHHHHHH!" The rest of the audio was shots and a man screaming while he was drowning. So the robot was a rogue that went on a rampage shooting all the robots. It didn't stop him. So I guess that's why we got equipped with rockets with medium blast damage against strongly armoured enemies. Well that's all for tonight. I'll make another one soon.