Simple Rules of this Record Book
These rules must always be obliged by when posting in this Record Book. If you don't comply by them, you will be given an infraction. You have been forewarned.
1) Make sure your post complies with all of the HW Rules.
~ Self-explanatory.
2) No Flaming
~ Do not flame anyone in this thread if they have broken your Record or if someone you don't like is in the Record Book. It is not acceptable behaviour and you will simply make yourself look very shameful indeed.
3) No Spamming/Trolling
~ This is a complete no-no and you'll get an infraction for it. We do not want people talking about records here as it serves unnecessary. If you want to talk about a Record, comment on the person's profile page or something, whatever you want, but don't do it on this thread. If a screenshot for a Record is too blurry, I will have the final say on whether it is acceptable or not. If you have any objections whatsoever, feel free to send me a Private Message (PM) or leave a comment on my profile page.
4) No Editing Screenshots
~ Editing screenshots/proof of a record will get you banned from the thread. Period.
5) No Quoting First Post
~ No one wants to scroll because you quoted the first post. This rule goes with the Spamming/Trolling as well.
[READ] : To get into the HW Record Book, you have to provide me with a screenshot or video of you earning that record. Without that hard proof, your 'Record' will not be accepted into this Record Book. Preferably, a screenshot, not a video, but both of them are fine. You need hard proof that you did not in fact pad for the points. So, on top of that, do not crop out anyone's name at the end-game carnage report. You may crop out everything else outside the HW Screen. Anything inside should be left as it is. Now, enough sweet talk, it's down to business.
Adding A Record:
- Code:
Category (leave "N/A" if not related to any category):
Record Name:
Name of Achiever:
The Record:
Evidence of Record (required, screenshot recommended):
Create a Record:
- Code:
Record Name:
Record Description:
Record Holder:
-Credits to RipIt
-Top Poster: Gr33n