Section Moderators
1) What forum are you applying to moderate?
2) What are your credentials for moderating this forum?
I have 50 posts and I'm a trusted mod dark can give you his opinion
3) Why do you want to moderate this?
I love hockey and sports
4) How old are you?
16 years of age coming with 16 years of experience
5) Explain your experience with moderating forums before.
I own a clan forum on fpe so I know admin commands and I'm a full mod on fpe so I had lots of experience with modding
6) Why do you feel you should be in the team?
I know sports well and I have loads of experience. I'm active and get a long with everyone. Also I dont gt angry or pissed or mad or anything like that. Im neutral towards almost everyone
7) What can you provide to us?
Im dedicated I know sports and I'm experienced with modding. Im active on here so far
Sections you can apply for:
general discussion
Media (music is my forte)
All answers need to be long and detailed. This is an important group. 2 sentence answers are not going to get you in the group.